Space Mermaids, the game, was a first-of-its-kind NFT minting experience on XRPL where the top 500 high scores in our game were be able to claim a Space Mermaid NFT.
If you did not win a Mermaid in the tournament, but would like to buy one on secondary. Visit our Mermaid Market to browse listings, or visit our page on XRP.Cafe or

Space Mermaids
Space Mermaids are an extraterrestrial punk species that dwell among the galaxy Neon Nebula. These creatures are known for their exotic signature tri-fin tail. They have an obsession for collecting stars, using their powers to shape and mold cosmic matter into dazzling celestial objects.
If you played in the play-to-mint tournament and placed in the top 500, go here to claim your Space Mermaids.
The Space Mermaids NFT avatars are all original artworks designed and produced by Ragzy. Read her bio here